Academic + AP Tutoring
Let our expert teachers guide you to academic success—teachers who have taught the classes you take and can bring their passion for teaching to your learning journey.
The Process
Learn How We Can Help.
Our academic tutoring costs $160 per hour, and our AP tutoring starts at $220 per hour. We offer discounts to both siblings and students who have previously tutored with us or attended one of our classes.
Our tutoring is almost entirely virtual. Not only do we find virtual tutoring fits in more conveniently to students’ busy schedules, but we also find that virtual tools provide unique advantages for collaborative learning that make our tutoring more impactful.
The length of our tutoring programs are tailored to the goals and needs of each student, which gives families the flexibility to work with us for just a couple weeks before an exam or for their entire high school career.
Our academic tutoring, like our test prep tutoring, specializes in 8th-12th grade academic content and early college course work.
Yes! We recognize that how you study is at least as important as what you study. Whether your child needs help organizing their studying for a specific class or across several classes, we can help.